At the end of last year I decided that I was going to restart my Blog.
I haven't been here for almost four years and I decided that it was start to Restart. But why did I stop? I'm not sure...could be a lot of things. I think it was mainly me wanting to be invisible to "haters".
You know what a hater is right? A person who no matter how much you try to be nice, you just can't seem to make them happy. So what do you do? You go into the woodwork and stay away.
And that what I did.
For the past four years I have stayed away. No crops. No retreats. No classes. No weekend group get-togethers.
Why? Haters. I know I shouldn't let other peoples action govern the way I live my life. But, when it's a group of people and not just a single, that's where it gets tricky, and that's why I stayed away.
Two weeks ago I decided that I was done with them. And it's time to focus on me and what I like to do!
Which is create.
So today I restarting my Blog. It's time for me to rejoin the crafting world! and to start it off, I'm sharing my YouTube Channel.
Earlier today I taped a video showcasing the latest Kiwi Lane Kiwi Club Kit. What better way to start anew than by sharing my Hobby with you all. But, I just realized, I can't really call it a Hobby. Scrapbooking has been a part of my life for almost 30 years. That's a lifetime to some!
I'm going to share my YouTube video in another post....I have to relearn everything here and not sure how long that will take. But posting something out to the world was my main goal today!
Scratch that item off of the "To Do List"!
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