Friday, April 30, 2010

Is there something NEW at my house?

Every once in awhile (okay, every few months) when I don't keep in touch with my parents I get these emails saying "Are you alive", "Is everything okay"...well, not exactly those words. But, they send me messages or my dad calls me to see what's going on in "JillWorld". So I thought I would come and post here what has been going on...

First. I am not designing for Rusty Pickle anymore. Rusty Pickle is closing and that means no design work for me. Which really, is okay! This means that I have more "me time" which means that I can do whatever i want...or more importantly whatever Simon and Sarah want? (lol) I can go to the Music Festival, go hang out with my friends more, go the the gym? (nah)...and not have this feeling that I have to get home to work on a project or to meet a deadline. Which is good! And good for my blood pressure too! (lol)

Second. Nothing is really new...well, something is NEW but I'll get to that in a Sarah is doing in well in school and is trying out for the Color Guard (Flags). She also has her learners permit which scares me. She asked me why I hold on while she drives and I had to tell her that I do it when her dad drives me around too. She did run over the curb in front of the house, and when she did it I said "What are you doing?" she replied "I don't know".

Third. Simon is fine. That's it. LOL...really, he's fine. But if he doesn't finish painting my bathroom I may have to return him to his mother. (okay laugh at that okay). news. Are you ready? Are you seriously ready for this?

We have TWO additions to our family...yes...two. There names are Dewey and Bear and they are brothers and they are SO SO CUTE!!! Here are some pictures:

Dewey and Bear

Dewey (aka Sarah's Kitty)

Bear (my new baby and Snoopy's Little Brother)


BAHGL said...

Your Kitties are really cute Jill!


Sherri said...

Your parents sound just like mine! LOL! The kitten are adorable!

Heidi E. said...

Totally love the kitties.. They are adorable.. Just know Jill I am feeling your pain (and fear) with the permit driving. I hold on for dear life and just hope in time she gets

Brenda said...

Those kitties are so cute! I love the name "dewey!" I've never heard it before for a cat, but it's so cute!