Yes, I'm back! Finally, I'm back!
I guess you could say that I got SUPER busy over the holidays, what with Christmas Shopping, Christmas Cards, Mailing Stuff, Surprise things that pop up, and Traveling. But I'm back.
Something wonderful happened over Christmas. While I was in England visiting my husband's family my best friend in the world came over to see me. She had with her, her husband, two young sons and her little girl. She drove two hours to see me! And I was SO happy to see here! But, the most wonderful thing happened! She asked me to be the Godmother of her little girl! How could I not say yes! We visited for a few hours before they had to return home, but I'm so glad that I got to see ALL of them! I guess you could say that this was the HIGHLIGHT of my trip!
What else have I been doing? Well, not much. I am majorly procrastinating everything! Okay, so a few minutes ago I did put some towels into wash and did move some boxes around in my room. But something just isn't! I just feel that I need some time off, especially after Christmas, so I guess I shouldn't feel guilty should I? Nope!
DON'T FORGET!!!! The FiberScraps Deadline is coming up! The grand prize is $500.00 and the winning layouts will be featured at CHA at the end of the month at the FiberScraps booth! This is a WONDERFUL opportunity for everyone! Just wish I could enter, but well, I'm not allowed! (lol) Well, I could but my entry wouldn't count, that's what happens when you're on a Design Team! For more information about the contest go to
http://www.fiberscraps.comSpeaking of the
Fiber Scraps Design Team I guess I shouldn't say I haven't done anything. When we returned home from our Holiday in England I had to get some projects done! I HAD TO! So I told everyone at home that I had to get some stuff done. Okay, that was on Sunday. When did I start? (Patricia, don't read this!) I think it was late Wednesday night? But I did get what I needed to get done done. I think I work better under pressure.
So now it's 2007 and I've signed up for the Heidi Swapp Big Picture Class ( and in this class we have to pick a goal. I thought for awhile about what my goal would be. I thought, it couldn't be this cause that's not a goal, it can't be that, cause that's a modification, and it can't be that because I've already done that! So what I did decide on is something that is very important and something that will help me operate things a little bit better around my house. I need to clean out my scrapbook room. My goal is
"To Clean and Simplify my Scrapbook Room for Inner Peace!" Now, don't laugh at the part about
Inner Peace, I'm totally serious about this! You see my scrapbook room is a mess! A disaster you might say. Two and a half years ago my husband said he would help me design my scrapbook room. He put in some cabinets and began to build pullout drawers and put some shelves up. In the meantime, all those things that were supposed to be in the cupboards or on the shelves were placed in boxes or in a pile.
Dear Husband put the project on a hold a bit because of work projects of his own (at work) and well, fast forward two and a half years and it's not done. See I'm a patient person. But now I've decided that my scrapbook room has to be done, it can't go on like it has been. When my scrapbook room gets messy it doesn't make me happy, and if I don't get to clean it out when it does get messy then I'm more unhappy. SO, it's time to go through the boxes, through the piles and
INNER PEACE. Now, this simplification and organization is beginning
today. (we are also supposed to identify a goal date so mine is May 25, which is the last day of school) I have pulled out the boxes, well, some of them, from my closet and I am going to go through them once. I am going to do the keep, toss, sell method (you know like on that tv show). And the keep pile is going to be put away where it belongs. The tossed pile is going to go immediately to the garbage before I can have second thoughts about it.
And, lastly the SELL pile...what do you think is going to happen to that pile? You're right! I"m going to sell it, and guess where at? At a Garage Sale in Richardson on January 20! It's going to be at the Polka Dot Potato Offices in Richardson. If you need more info you can post here, or email me! There's going to be a whole bunch of stuff there from different scrapbookers and it's always a LOT of fun! I CAN'T Wait! If you need an idea of what I'm going to be getting rid of here are two things that are staring at me right now! My Black Quickutz Squeeze and the Girls are Weird Sizzlits from Sizzix. So, if you are interested in either of those things then you need to come to the Garage Sale on the 20th! Plus, there's going to a whole LOT more! Hope to see you then!